Saturday, 4 May 2013

How to create new Partition without Formatting a Hard Disk?

If your Hard-disk contain 3 partitions in your PC and you need to create 1 more partition then what will you do?

Most of people are doing the following methods to create new partition in Hard-disk.

Format the Hard-disk and create a new partition. Let’s see an easier method to create a new partition without formatting a Hard- disk.

To do this we don’t need any software and also no need to copy the data to separate drives. By doing the following methods we can create a New Partition from System Drive.

#Right Click on My Computer

#Click Manage

#Now “ Computer Management” window will appear.

#In that window Click Storage

#Then select Disk Management.

#In that window Hard-disk and other Storage Media detail will be shown.

#Now select a Disk drive to create a New Partition.

#Right Click on particular Drive then Click Shrink Volume.

#Now windows will show the free space in particular partition.

#Type the disk size to create New Partition in Shrink Window.

#Now click on “Shrink” , within few seconds a New Disk will be created.

#Still Accessible is not done in New Disk.

#Now Right Click on Unallocated Drive . Select New Simple Volume.

#Click on Next. Now give a size to the New Partition.
(you can choice wholesize right now)

#Select a Drive letter and Click on Next. Then select

Format Setting -> File System ->NTFS.

And keep others as default. (if you need you can change this)

Put a tick on “Performances a Quick Format” and Click on Next.

Now the New Partition is created successfully.